Blessed New Year

I’ve been away from my zazen practice for a few weeks…I have allowed the insanity of the holidays pull me away and it’s time to reconnect.

This morning I sat for 20 minutes, and then resumed my reading of Dogen. I’m still in the introduction, but have determined that this text will be part of my morning routine. This passage stood out for me this morning.

Wondrous dharma is already given, and yet within our life we have delusions. Delusions mean our individuality, our limitations as individuals, and also egocentricity. We cannot see the universe from the viewpoints of other people; we can see things only from “my” point of view. I cannot see from your point of view. Even though I think I can understand it, I really cannot see it, because it is not reality for me. Even if I stand in the same place, the way I see things is different from the way you see them. That is because we have karma and are limited as individuals. I cannot see half of the world. If I try to see the dark side, I have to turn my head. Then I cannot see this part. So each moment we can see only part of the world, not the whole world. That is the source of delusion. –Master Dogen, Zazen Meditation Handbook

It is such a simple concept, yet so difficult for many to grasp. Until we can truly see all sides of a situation, we don’t know anything. If we all remembered this, there would be less misunderstanding, less miscommunication, and more compassion. With Mercury in retrograde coming up, this is important info to remember.